Q: Will you please tell us who you are and share a few details about yourself?
A: Hey, my name is Jeanne, I’m 21 and I’m from France. I’m currently on a gap year between my bachelor and my masters (in geopolitics). I volunteered in France for other organizations but this is my first time getting involved for a long run and in a foreign country.
Q: What is your position at LHI, and what is a typical day at The Refugee Center like for you?
A: I’m in the Child-Friendly Space (CFS). In the morning, we have warehouse shifts (sorting out clothes, counting diapers) or activities for older kids on the weekends (football, dance, kids yoga). In the afternoon, I’m in the tent with the CFS kids (2–6 year olds) playing doctors, coloring, or building train rail circuits. My day can end with Conversation Hour, where I get to interact with the adult residents.
Q: What have you learned while working in Serres?
A: I’ve learned a lot thanks to the amazing and inspiring people that are a part of my experience. I’ve learned how to be with kids. My English has gotten better, as well. I’ve had responsibilities and I feel people have trusted me which is so rewarding. Focusing on the daily basics, on what’s important, seeing someone smiling or hearing a kid laughing is also something I’ve learned to value in Serres. My convictions are reinforced because LHI showed me that there is such a thing as human solidarity.
Thank you so much, Jeanne!
Click here to learn more about our Refugee Center in Serres, Greece.