Travel Journal: LHI’s Carlissa Traveled To Jordan and Saw Just How Impactful 2 Goats Can Be — Lifting Hands International


Travel Journal: LHI’s Carlissa Traveled To Jordan and Saw Just How Impactful 2 Goats Can Be

by Carlissa Larsen, LHI Utah Program Consultant

Carlissa Larsen with a boy whose family received milk goats through LHI’s Gather for Goats program.

Carlissa Larsen has been with LHI for 7 years. She started as a volunteer, worked as co-director for Utah operations, and is now a consultant for our Utah programs. She recently traveled to Jordan and Greece to see the impact of LHI’s work on the ground for the first time!

Living Conditions for Syrian Refugees in Jordan


We visited this refugee camp in Jordan. 80% of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in unofficial refugee camps, often called makeshift or improvised refugee camps like the one pictured above.  


One family living in the camp was gracious enough to allow us to take a photo of their kitchen so that we could share with the world what kind of conditions they live in. Behind the tarp in the back by the white bucket is where the family shower.


This is the bathroom. Makeshift bathrooms like this, combined with the fact that Syrian refugees living in unofficial and remote camps cannot often get to a town to shop, are why the hygiene items LHI sends to Jordan from our Humanitarian Aid Warehouse are so desperately needed.

Lives in Syria Before

We visited a Syrian refugee family who had fled Aleppo at the beginning of the war. They lost their herd of goats and their livelihood, but escaped with their lives.They consider themselves lucky because most of their family and friends didn't make it out before they were killed. We sat in their humble home in Jordan hearing their story. Their young daughter, who was born in a refugee camp, wanted to give us something before we left, so she ran to the garden and picked fresh flowers for us.


Goats Change Lives

While in Jordan, I met multiple families that had gone from living in a tent in a refugee camp to living in a house within 2 years of LHI providing them with 2 goats. Prior to receiving goats from us these families had lived in a refugee camp for 10-12 years. Most of their children had been born in the refugee camps. Now, they have goats that provide nutrition, a way to make an income, a sense of dignity, and a new home!


This family received 2 goats from LHI 2 years ago. They've now grown their herd to 25 and have been able to rent a house with running water and electricity.


Carlissa with the herd!


Thank you Carlissa for sharing your visit to Jordan with us! It is amazing to see how much just two milk goats can transform the lives of Syrian families living in Jordan.

Please help LHI continue to change lives. You can make a donation to our Gather for Goats program here, or, if you want to get your children or school or youth group involved, check out our Kids Club program!