International Aid

FAQ: What’s Happening to Refugees, at Home and Abroad?

Unprecedented changes in US policies are deeply affecting humanitarian organizations and the refugees they support. It can be hard to keep track of how budget cuts have impacted the humanitarian field, so we put together this guide to break everything down.

An LHI food distribution for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

What do humanitarian aid organizations do for refugees?

Millions of people who have lost everything—their homes, livelihoods, belongings—depend on humanitarian aid organizations to survive and rebuild their lives. .

Humanitarians provide aid to help people who have been forced to flee their homes from violence, natural disasters, or instability. They distribute food, medicine, clean water, clothing, and other essentials. Humanitarian organizations also build and run important infrastructure like schools, hospitals, and shelters, as well as provide essential services for mental health, education, professional development, and resources to help generate income.

An LHI aid distribution for children in Afghanistan. We go the extra mile to include handmade stuffed animals, quilts, and “You Are Loved” cards.

Why does the US government provide funding to humanitarian aid?

Some humanitarian aid organizations receive funding from the US government. By doing so, the US advocates for human rights, promotes global stability, and supports the world’s most vulnerable people.

Providing humanitarian aid abroad helps prevent crises from getting worse, reduces the risk of widespread instability, and strengthens America’s relationships with other countries. It also addresses the root causes of forced migration, like violence and famine.

The US government also provides funding to organizations that help resettle newly arrived refugees. This ensures that refugees can successfully become part of American society by reducing their dependence on government assistance in the long run. Integrating refugees into their new communities also boosts local economies by strengthening the workforce and fueling economic growth.

We provide Ukrainian frontline hospitals with essential equipment.

Who is being affected by cuts to US humanitarian aid?

Millions of people depend on humanitarian aid to make it from one day to the next. Recent federal budget cuts in aid have already caused a sudden, devastating impact around the world.

  • Nearly $500 million worth of food is rotting at ports as refugees in Sudan, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia fight hunger and famine.

  • Medicines and antibiotics are expiring, instead of treating sick and elderly refugees in Myanmar.

  • Hospitals in Ukraine aren’t receiving the supplies needed to operate on injured civilians.

  • Clinics across Uganda and South Africa have shut down, leaving people without HIV medication and increasing the risk of infections.

  • People displaced by violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo don’t have access to clean water.

What else has been suspended or cut?

The US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) has been suspended, shutting America’s doors to thousands of refugees—including those who were already approved for resettlement. Check out our article here for more information on the USRAP suspension, and what the resettlement process involves.

In addition to the USRAP suspension, funding has been cut off for NGOs that help refugees after they’ve relocated to the US. These NGOs act as a support system for new arrivals, and without them, many refugees in the US are lost with no one to turn to.

Anne, LHI Refugee Resettlement Manager, met Ivone the day after she resettled in Utah. With the support of organizations like LHI, Ivone’s family was able to integrate into their community. Now, Ivone has graduated from high school with honors and is going to college.

What’s happening to the refugees who have already resettled in the US?

Transitioning from a refugee camp to everyday life in the US can present a whole new set of challenges, which is why caseworkers are essential. Each newly arrived refugee family is assigned individual caseworkers to help them make sense of their new home. Caseworkers ensure children are enrolled in school, parents find jobs, and bills are paid. They guide families on how to get around their new neighborhood, access English classes, and book doctors’ appointments.

Recent funding cuts have forced many organizations to lay off their caseworkers. The remaining staff are overwhelmed and unable to meet the needs of struggling families. Newly resettled refugees have been left with no one to help as they navigate their new lives. Isolated and uncertain, they are left wondering if they are truly welcome here.

We’re powered by people like you!

How is LHI responding?

We’re making up for what has been lost. Our team has been working around the clock to expand our programs: maternal healthcare, shipping more international aid, providing goats to build self-sufficiency in refugee camps, and conducting wellness checks for isolated families—whatever refugees need, we’re there—ensuring that refugees aren’t forgotten.

How can you help?

Act today to ensure that refugees continue receiving support:

  • Donate to LHI. We completely depend on donations from individuals like you!

  • Get your friends, family, or co-workers together to make aid kits based on our needs list.

  • Share our posts on social media to spread awareness.

  • Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on what’s happening in the humanitarian field.

  • Volunteer at LHI: In Utah, we need volunteers to help out with care for pregnant moms and wellness checks for new families. Contact to start your background check—it’s free to you—and we’ll connect you with our refugee neighbors.

The Story of Pads 4 Refugees: An Organization Close to LHI's Heart

by Hannah Baron, LHI Volunteer

Melissa facilitated psychosocial activities at the Female Friendly Space during her time at the LHI Community Center in Serres, Greece.

Melissa began her journey in the world of humanitarian aid as a volunteer at LHI’s Female Friendly Space (FFS) in Serres, Greece. Today, she’s the CEO and founder of her own aid organization, Pads 4 Refugees, which does exactly what its name suggests: provide pads for refugee women. She regularly distributes pads to refugees and asylum-seekers in Washington D.C. and in Los Angeles, California, and has made distributions all over the world, including in Ukraine, Gaza, Uganda, Venezuela, Mexico, Syria, Turkey, Israel, and Pakistan.

After getting her second law degree in International Human Rights law at Northwestern, Melissa struggled to find a job or an internship she felt passionate about. 

A friend suggested that she volunteer at LHI’s Community Center in Serres, Greece which at the time was populated almost entirely with Yazidi refugees. As it turned out, Melissa had written a lot about the Yazidi refugee crisis in school. Everything clicked into place. She decided to volunteer at the refugee center’s Female Friendly Space.

Upon arriving in Serres, Melissa was all nerves. She didn’t know exactly what to expect.

“And then it just seemed like–I think this is probably what everyone says–it just seemed like a really warm, welcoming place. I just instantly was glad I was there,” she said.

Melissa soon realized how important a supportive Female Friendly Space was for the women who gathered there. “They were all carrying trauma from the genocide that had happened to them, or what had happened to their families, and the idea was really just to give them a break from all that and to have a peaceful space where they could relax,” she said.


Women at the Female Friendly Space participate in a workshop preparing them to potentially work in a salon.


 At the Female Friendly Space, Melissa helped clean, run the social media accounts, and organize various activities like spa days, crochet circles, and movie nights.

“These women were carrying these hard burdens and they’re waiting to see if their asylum claims are getting met, but I just really enjoyed going in there and doing activities with them and getting to know them,” she remembered.

Melissa also learned that women got their period products at the Female Friendly Space. Each month she helped distribute period products to the women at FFS. The quality of pads the women received was not great, but with around 600 women and teenagers in need, even purchasing off-brand pads was very expensive. She thought about how helpful it would be to find someone willing to donate pads, so LHI’s funds could be redistributed towards other pressing needs, such as fixing a broken sewing machine.

When she came home from Serres, Melissa continued to have trouble finding work in her field. With all her free time, she wondered whether refugees outside of Greece  also struggled to find period products.

As it turned out, this was a problem everywhere. Even the major refugee aid organizations, like the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, rarely handed out pads, and families struggled to find the funds to buy them on their own. When funds are limited, most women tend to choose food for their family or diapers for their babies over period products, Melissa explained. Therefore, aid organizations are more likely to prioritize those necessities.

Her idea was to lessen the burden for  organizations like LHI that do provide period products by paying for the pads. 

“I thought, ‘I can’t find a job, I'll just make up my own job. And it’ll be CEO of a non-profit,” she said. “And I didn’t expect to get enough money to pay me a salary, but it was something to do.”


Pads 4 Refugees has enabled the LHI Community Center in Serres, Greece to purchase high quality, name brand menstrual pads like those pictured here. Women are able to receive a package of pads each month at the Female Friendly Space.


Melissa started Pads 4 Refugees. It took about six months for her to raise enough money for LHI to be able to upgrade to high-quality, name-brand pads. Then, a group on another Greek island reached out to her, asking if she could help them provide women with pads as well. She could.


Melissa working on a pad distribution with MAM Beyond Borders, an NGO that LHI partners with to provide reproductive and sexual health seminars for women at the Female Friendly Space at the LHI Community Center in Serres.


To this day, Melissa says that she’s never reached out to any organizations asking if they need her help; they come to her. The humanitarian world is small, and words gets around.

Her biggest challenge is finding donors and raising money to meet everyone’s needs.

“I now have regular distributions with so many orgs in Greece and this one in Lebanon, and I just feel very obligated to keep it going. These women don’t have a lot of money to buy the basic things they need,” she said. “It’s not easy but I just think it’s the right thing to do, and no one else was really doing it at the time.”

Melissa’s next goal for Pads 4 Refugees is to boost her regular distribution in Lebanon so that the women there can use disposable pads all year round, rather than the reusable ones they often have to resort to now. To accomplish this, she has to stop expanding and start raising more money.

She says the easiest thing people can do to make a positive difference in refugees’ lives is sharing social media posts from aid organizations like hers that are looking for funding. You can also give, even if it’s just a few dollars. She stresses that you don’t have to give big to be a big help.

“I have several donors who donate monthly, and they donate five dollars, which people think is not a lot and it doesn’t make a difference, but…it actually does help. I’ve had donations that are like two dollars, but it just adds up,” she said.

Thank you Melissa for sharing your story with us! Pads 4 Refugees helps LHI supply women at the Female Friendly Space in Serres with period products, and helped us provide period products to women in Gaza. If you are looking to expand the number of organizations you support, we recommend Melissa and Pads 4 Refugees to you!

LHI Is There When the Headlines Have Moved On

by Brigid Rowlings, LHI Communications Director

LHI sends shipments of humanitarian aid from our warehouse in Utah to Bangladesh every year.

Have you noticed that Gaza, which is entering its fourth month of bombardment, or Ukraine, which is approaching its two-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion, are no longer as prominent in the news as they once were? Why? Even when humanitarian crises remain, the news cycle moves on.

This is one of the challenging aspects of humanitarian work. Media focus on events like the war in Ukraine, the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza catch our collective attention and prompt us to look for ways to help. But, when the news moves on, often, so do the donations to organizations like LHI. 


 LHI founder and director Hayley Smith visited a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh in 2017.


Journalist Femi Oke recently spoke about this challenge on the NPR news show Here and Now. Her interviews with Rohingya refugees who’d lived in Bangladesh for 30 years revealed the fear of many long-term refugees: the world is forgetting about them. For people who depend almost entirely on humanitarian aid organizations and their donors for necessities like food, water, clothing and shelter, this thought is scary. But, with the global population of long-term refugees rising, the need for humanitarian assistance that leads to self-sufficiency is greater than ever.

While LHI is always poised to meet urgent needs, we have and continue to expand programs that facilitate increased stability and self-sufficiency for refugees along each stage of the refugee journey. These programs include: 


Women at the LHI Community Center in Serres, Greece learn to cut hair. This is a skill the women can use to support themselves and their families when their asylum cases are processed and they are resettled in a new country.


Workforce training and income opportunities

From the language classes and barber trainings that take place at our community center in Serres, Greece to the food-packaging business and aesthetician training happening at the LHI Shelter in Lviv, Ukraine, LHI facilitates programs that prepare refugees for employment in the communities they live in or will resettle in. Our livestock program gives milk goats to Syrian refugees in Jordan who are then able to support their families from the sale of milk and milk products. And, we have a new community center in Lviv, Ukraine that offers an entrepreneurial accelerator program to internally displaced women, most of whom are single mothers because their husbands have been deployed or they’ve been widowed by the war.


Teams of mobile psychologists visit de-occupied villages in Ukraine and lead group therapy sessions for children and adults.


Social-emotional supports

In our programs in Greece, Moldova, and Ukraine, teams provide social emotional support such as sessions with psychologists, yoga classes, and art therapy for people who have experienced the trauma of leaving home behind for an uncertain future. In emergency situations like the earthquakes that hit Turkey in February 2023 and the ongoing crisis in Gaza, we’ve provided mobile psychological support for survivors and aid workers. These programs help refugees begin to heal and have hope for the future.


LHI’s Welcome Program volunteers add special touches to the apartments they set up for refugee families resettling in Utah.


Community Integration

Our Welcome Program alleviates the strain that refugees resettled in Utah feel by providing all of the items on the US resettlement agency’s checklist for homes for new arrivals. This means that refugee families will not have to buy them with the small stipend they receive. But the LHI Welcome team doesn’t just stop at the basic requirements! Our volunteers make up beds with handmade quilts and blankets, bring school supplies, clothing and toys for children, and always leave warm messages of love, support and welcome for families. 

While LHI remains ready to help in emergency situations, helping refugees achieve self-sufficiency and “the good life” is one of LHI’s main priorities. We depend on the support of LHI2G, our team of recurring donors, for a reliable source of funding to keep these programs going. Consider joining the team! No recurring monthly donation is too small. Plus, you will get access to a special behind-the-scenes newsletter exclusively for LHI2G members. Visit our LHI2G page to learn more!